

简介 Introduction


    With reference to Specification of Common Modern Chinese Character Components and Component Names, Table of General Standard Chinese Characters, and Stroke Orders of the Commonly Used Standard Chinese Characters, this platform demonstrates 512 components of national standard Chinese characters (the so-called “simplified characters”) and the related example characters in the form of pen calligraphy. We dynamically present the standard components, forms, the correct stroke orders and the structures of the handwriting of simplified characters via short clips of videos.

    本平台是香港教育大学发展基金(EdUHK Development Fund)项目「点画飞扬——汉字书法学习平台(Stroke Dancing with Calligraphic Rhythm——Chinese Calligraphy Learning Platform)」的第二期成果。

    The development of this platform was supported by the second phase of the EdUHK Development Fund project titled "Stroke Dancing with Calligraphic Rhythm--Chinese Calligraphy Learning Platform".


    It is the desire of many people to have beautiful handwriting. However, Chinese characters are complex and not easy to write; for learners of Chinese as a second language (L2), it is even more challenging. Moreover, learning calligraphy requires consistent and steady efforts, and it is unrealistic for modern people to spend a lot of time practising calligraphy. “Copybook study” is a more flexible way of learning. The learner is the main subject in practice who holds the key to self-learning. In view of this, we have created this online Chinese calligraphy learning platform according to the characteristics of calligraphy learning and media features.

平台特色 Platform features

1.部件为本的系统化学习型资源 Component-based, systematic learning resources 


    The target audience of this platform is L2 Chinese learners (including local non-Chinese speaking learners in Hong Kong), and L1 Chinese learners in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas who learn simplified Chinese characters.


    With regard to Chinese character learning platforms, there have been a number of word bank-type resources available on the market that are not designed for learning. While these resources provide character levels, radicals, strokes, structures and other Chinese character attributes in a precise and comprehensive manner, they do not systematically present the principles of components and are more suitable for mainland Chinese people. This is because mainland China has already achieved universal nine-year compulsory education, and thus people there have generally studied simplified characters systematically. As a result, dictionaries are only used to look up some individual characters. Mainland Chinese people are fundamentally different from L2 Chinese learners (including local non-Chinese speaking learners in Hong Kong) and L1 Chinese learners in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas who learn simplified Chinese characters, as the latter have not systematically learned simplified characters, and thus their learning needs cannot be met by word bank-type resources alone.


    Some scholars believe that although there are thousands of commonly used Chinese characters, a large number of them can be simply mastered by combining dozens of components. Therefore, it may be easier for non-Chinese speaking students to achieve better results via learning to recognise and write characters by breaking down characters into components and starting with some commonly used components (Hong Kong Education Bureau, 2008; Tse, 2000 & 2002). In view of this, this project follows Specification of Common Modern Chinese Character Components and Component Names, using the Chinese character components as an index and matching the 512 Chinese character components of national standard Chinese characters (i.e. simplified characters) with examples from the 3,500 commonly used characters to exhaustively list the representative combinations of each component. At the same time, each character example is annotated with Pinyin, and English descriptions are added for L2 Chinese learners’ convenient reference. By providing systematic resources for learning, the platform aims to enable learners to increase awareness of component combinations and to generate combinations by drawing inferences from instances.


    In short, compared with learning characters randomly or individually, the component-based systematic learning mode can help students learn comprehensively, quickly and easily.

2.人性化手写体 Real handwriting


    Writing is the output of a learner's acquisition of Chinese character forms. The resources currently available on the market can present the stroke order dynamically and even support on-screen follow-through. However, these are only animated representations of the trajectory of the writing motion without showing the characteristics of the strokes. In addition, they use mechanical computer fonts, which do not exactly match the physiological characteristics of real writing, especially for stroke writing and character structures, even for the regular script. Learning from these characters, learners may write correctly but not write well. This is why, even with all the advances in information technology, primary and secondary education in countries such as Japan and Korea, as well as Mainland China, insists on offering calligraphy classes. Standard Chinese characters are beautiful, and for the learner, it is important to write them not only correctly but also well; otherwise, the strokes will be disparate, and the characters will be ugly. Worse yet, it would be difficult to correct and improve the malady once formed.

    本计划采用真人书写手写体呈现规范汉字的笔画、部件和例字。其中,字形和笔顺以国家颁布的《通用规范汉字表》和《通用规范汉字笔顺规范》为准,确保字形规范,笔顺正确。结体则以《间架结构摘要九十二法》为依据,确保间架端正,笔画流利。 《间架结构摘要九十二法》是黄自元总结出的九十二种汉字结体书写方法,并有典型例字。该帖对后世影响巨大,对初学者了解间架结构有指导意义。

    This project adopts real-life handwriting to present the strokes, components and examples of standard Chinese characters. In particular, the character forms and stroke orders are based on Table of General Standard Chinese Characters and Stroke Orders of the Commonly Used Standard Chinese Characters promulgated by the State to ensure that the character forms are standardised and the stroke order is correct. Furthermore, the structure of the characters is based on Summary of the Ninety-two Methods of Character Structures (《间架结构摘要九十二法》) to ensure that the character structure is well-written and the strokes are written fluently. This copybook, written by Huang Ziyuan, summarises the ninety-two methods of writing Chinese characters of different structures with typical example characters. It has significantly influenced later generations and is a guide for beginners to understand the structure of Chinese characters.


    In short, a real-life handwriting demonstration, as opposed to a copy of computer fonts, will enable learners to master the fundamentals of proper writing and demonstrate the beauty of Chinese characters.

